Finally, I think it's all done - all of the little projects I planned related to Hannah are finished. I'm sure lots more unplanned ones will come, but for now I'm done. Here are a few of the small projects I've been working on that have invaded my life.
I mod podged the letters above spelling "Hannah" and I painted these picture frames to give us some wall hangings.

I made a baby quilt. It was my first time piecing anything and it's very amateur, but it's good enough for me. My friends mom, Joleen, quilted it and did an amazing job. It makes me wish I'd have done a little better job on my part, but too late now. She quilted a baby carriage and Hannah's name in it. Amazing. Thanks so much. To go along with the quilt there's a crib skirt and material for curtains.

Somewhere I got the idea in my head to make bibs and burp cloths. Bad, Bad, Bad idea!! They're not hard, in fact they're very simple, but not worth the effort. After tracing the pattern, cutting, sewing, turning right side's out, doing another decorative stitch, and sewing in the snaps they took a long time. I don't know what I was thinking. I priced bibs at Wally World and found 10 for $13. Mine ended up costing slightly less, unless you include all the labor. Yuck! Never again will I make them. On the bright side, I now have 4 small bibs, 6 big bibs, and 5 burp cloths- all reversable. I also got to practice the decorative stitches on my sewing machine.

In addition to the bibs I made two blankets. These were much more enjoyable, not to mention cheap and easy. Double bonus. These were much faster and I got to experiment more with the fancy stitches.

My sister recommended I make a hooded bath towel. In fact, I blame her for most of these projects, majority of them were her idea. :D This was quick and easy. I didn't do a very good job matching the hood to the towel, I'll have to do a better job next time.

Lastly, I made a nursing cover aka hooter hider. That name is rather crude, but really cracked me up. I don't know how functional it is, but it was only about $3.50 and really easy to make. Yay!

Brittany!!!!! You have some SERIOUS talent! You don't give yourslef enough credit...all of your projects are amazing and look totally professional. I LOVE the "Hannah" letters and frames. Also, the nursing cover is SO helpful for the first few months (until they get old enough and can pull it off)...great job! I can't wait for her to come...she is one lucky baby!
Amazing. Looks like you guys are all ready to have hannah arrive!
Great work
HOLY COW! good job! I need to come see all these projects!! So dang cute!! I LOVE the Hannah letters they are perfect. She is one lucky little baby!
Looks good and yes you'll probably have more projects come up, but they'll be cute too. That's why we do them right?
Which sister are you blaming for all these projects? :) By the way, I just finished my kids' names today. I'll take a picture and show you. It's only taken almost 4 years to get it done. Oh well.
so cute! my little girl's room is pink and it!
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