Last week was our official family reunion. My siblings are spread all through the country and don't get together very often. We hadn't seen some in over 3 years - before Thailand. As always it was fun to get together. My parents house seemed a little to small at times for all 28 of us, but we survived. While everyone was here we took the dreaded family pictures. I don't have one with all of us yet. My sister is the family photographer but wasn't in the picture so she's doing a little photoshopping. However, we do have the individual families. I can't believe how big all my nieces and nephews are.
Jan, Jared and their 5 munchkins
Crazy Clint, Jana and their 4 cute kiddos
Becky and her beautiful self
Adorable Hannah. I guess I should have put a picture of all 3 of us, but this is cuter.
Here are some random pictures of the different activities we did with everyone:

Here she's sporting the newly painted t-shirt. This was another kids activity, but it included boys and girls this time!
It was fun to see everyone. There was a lot of chaos, but that's the way it goes when 28 people are sharing 1 house.
Good to see some pictures!
Hey Brit,,,,
I asked if you could make a copy of all the pictures onto some c.d.'s and send them to me, well if you haven't already sent them to me why not make a few copies and send those to everyone and I will send a separate c.d. from the edited family pics. I know I'm being a pain but I'm kind of getting a little flack from everyone about no pictures. (Between not being able to fit them on a 4.7GB c.d., working, everyone's lives falling apart in a day and being seriously sick and a busted back I haven't been able to follow up much or talk to anyone about the pictures.)
I need to just copy your post to my blog!
By the way, Becky didn't delete our pictures. She made a separate directory so Jared just thought the disc was empty. We found them. Although I am way excited to get our family picture. Maybe you could at least e-mail me that one.
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