I know this is a little late, but last week James celebrated his birthday!! Luckily it was on a Saturday and during his break between semesters. Translation = we get to spend the day together. Hooray! I've been awful about taking pictures so I vowed I would take lots to document the big day, starting with his birthday poster:
compliments of Hannah and Sofia's handprints.
We started off the day with a long lost jog. We haven't done our Saturday morning run since Sofia was born and we've (at least James and I) have greatly missed it. It was a pretty chilly morning, so we bundled the girls up. Here they are getting ready to go:
Hannah insisted on wearing this hat. Are they really allowed to have such a strong opinion so early?

Smiling yet again. I personally love the ears.
I started off the day really well with pictures, but then forgot the camera...oops. Overall the day was great. We spent the afternoon at the beach with some friends and spent the evening relaxing and chilling at home. It was so nice to have time together to just relax....and I think James had a good day (minus the whole getting a year older thing).
I thought you lived in sunny, warm Califronia. Maybe your should consider moving to Arizona where they can shed the winter coats.
Happy belated birthday to James, one year younger, and best wishes for the upcoming year.
T & S
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