I have been told I'm stubborn. I prefer to use the word 'determined' instead - I think it has a much more positive connotation. Anyway, Hannah seems to have the same trait. We've never had any major issues as a result, but last Saturday we had our first major battle with Hannah.
I pulled out an old phone book to be thrown away and it was left on the floor (my first mistake). She and Sofia started playing in it and ripped out a couple of pages. They were being entertained so I told Hannah she could play with the pages (second mistake), but she would have to pick everything up when she was done . Anyway, she was playing while I was getting everything ready - we were going to meet James on campus for a picnic. After a few minutes everything was ready and it was time to leave, so I asked Hannah to pick up the paper she had ripped so we could go. She was excited about going to have a picnic with Daddy, so I thought it would be a quick process. As long as she's motivated, she's usually pretty good about doing what we ask. Unfortunately, she wasn't done playing. After trying to cajole her to pick up the mess for quite some time (maybe 30-40 minutes) I was getting weary of it. So, I set the timer and told her if it wasn't picked up by the time the timer went off we weren't going to go have lunch with Daddy. Well, when the timer went off she was in the process of pulling the paper out of the trash that she had picked up and throwing it on the floor. At this point I was really irritated, because I wanted to go have a picnic with Daddy at school. BUT, I had to stick to my word, so I called James to tell him we weren't coming for lunch. Hannah then started to cry, and then to scream, but still refused to pick up the darn paper. After giving her a couple of opportunities it was lunch time. I fed Sofia, but Hannah wasn't allowed to eat until the mess was cleaned up. After Daddy came home he and I ate, but she still couldn't eat. USually food is a good motivator for her, but not this time. Anyway, long story short the time-outs started and a lot of crying and screaming ensued. I can only imagine what our neighbors might have been thinking. Let's just say it was a long day. She fell asleep for her nap while in time out. Here's a picture of that.

We ended up spend the afternoon battling. She kept refusing to clean it up, but we felt like we had to stand firm in order to set the precedence. Finally, after 6 ours, she gave in and picked up the mess. Once it was over James and I were both tired, but she was happy as could be. Go figure.
Please tell me this is not the first of many to come.