Thursday, May 17, 2012


The other day I needed to do some baking.  Hannah usually loves to be in the kitchen and is an active participant.  This day, however, she wasn't too interested.  She was playing nicely alone so I wasn't about to push the issue.  Sofia and I headed into the kitchen to get to work.  I supplied Sofia with some spices and some pots and plans to play with.  She had lots of fun stacking and knocking over.

She was pretty proud of herself for stacking all 3 by herself...then she got distracted with the dough we were making.

Hannah was playing a little to quietly, so I went to check on her and this is what I found:

She was having a great time in the bathroom.  She pulled everything out and was having lots of fun.  I was just glad she was being entertained so I honestly didn't care one bit.  I did remind her that she would have to put everything away when she was done playing.

By the time I was done with the dough she had everything 'put away'.  Let's just say I did a little re-arranging when she was done!