Friday, May 23, 2014

10 Months

Hard to believe this little guy is already 10 months.  He's been busy.  He:

* Now has 7 teeth poking through.  The past month or two he has been a LOT fussier and I have been attributing it to I'm happy they are finally appearing.
* Needs a haircut.
* Totally knows how to put on the charm.  People here LOVE kids so he gets lots of attention.  And he knows how to put on a good show (most of the time).
* Started taking his first few wobbly steps.
* Likes to cuddle.  When we get up with him during the night he just nuzzles right in.  It almost makes waking up with him worth it.  ALMOST (but not quite).
* Slept through the night for the first time (2 or 3 times actually), but don't worry, there hasn't been any repeats since then.
* Eats constantly - at least it feels that way.
* Always needs a nose job...I swear someone that small would run out of snot, but nope.

Since we are now a few weeks past the 10 month mark he is now walking pretty well.  Here is some proof: