Well, at 1:30 AM this morning Sofia decided the time was right, apparently someone forgot to tell Sofia that her parents usually go to bed at 9:00 so she may have been the first baby born when both parents were sleeping (Britt really wishes she would have been sleeping!). Britt went to the Doctor yesterday for a checkup and he told her to head over to the hospital. We got to the hospital at 2:00 in the afternoon and they hooked Britt up to check the heart rate and contractions, then we proceeded to walk the halls of the 5th floor for 4 hours waiting for a bed to open up in delivery (Britt and I really missed the glory days of Logan Hospital) We finally got a bed at 9:30 and from then until 1:30 it was a contraction marathon. Britt was a trooper as always. I tried to talk her into an epidural, when she declined I asked the nurse if I could get one. I envy the guys manage to miss out on the hard labor part of delivery. Any who, Britt did great, I wont bore with the gory details needless to say we now have a 7 lb. 1 oz. 20 inch bundle.

I personally think that Sofia is a genius, after practicing for just a few seconds she was able to pull off a pretty good Elvis lip impersonation. Maybe Hannah can teach her to say 'thank you, thank you very much!'
I am somewhat partial on this picture, but this may have been the 'reality check' moment when Hannah might have been calculating the implications of being a big sister and having to actually share her room and mommy time.
There is something absolutely amazing about holding a newborn baby. With all the feelings of inadequacy comes an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for wonderful parents (Britt's and mine) and the joys associated with family. I am a lucky man.
Wow!! Congratulations! I can't believe Sofia is here! She is beautiful. I LOVE that picture of Hannah...it perfectly depicts the feelings of a big sis when it all sinks in. Brit looks amazing! Good luck in these next few weeks as everyone adjusts to life with a new little one.
Hurray for the flammers! So excited for your family of 4! Love you lots and sending hugs and kisses your way!
Congrats!!! Great day to be born too, she shares a birthday with Gav!
Wow! that's so great! Hannah cracks me up! good luck with the adjustment!
Congratulations Flammers and welcome to the world Sofia! Glad everything went well and she is here safe and sound.
WOW! I have been waiting for pictures... She is so adorable! You guys are such a cute family and I love Hannah's face. She is so cute! We can't wait to see this new addition in person, hopefully in a couple months! CONGRATS!
Congratulations! Thanks for the photos and update James. Wish we could be of some help. Glad things are working out so well for all. Welcome Grandchild #17 to our family, the the 13th granddaughter.
Dad and Mom Hunmpherys
Yay!!! Congratulations!!! Welcome to the world Sofia!!! And way to go Brit and James! I'm so happy that everything went well! And that face of Hannah's is priceless! I laughed so hard! Hope everything continues to go well for you all!!!
Congratulations, guys! We miss having you as neighbors! I hope all is well, and no more roaches! LOVE the name Sofia, by the way :) We spelled it that way, too!
Congrats! Hannah's face is priceless. Hope all continues to go well for your adorable little family!
congratulations, flammers!! so excited everything went well. britt, you are amazing, by the way.
i can't wait to see more updates! miss you guys!
Congratulations!!!! We are so excited for you. We aren't that far behind just three more weeks (we hope). Brittany, you are amazing! I am planning on getting all the help I can with meds:).
Oh, herzlichen Glückwunsch!!! Sofia ist so süß und ihr seht alle toll aus! Wenn ich irgendwann in Californien bin, komme ich babysitten :) Viele liebe Grüße!
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