Sunday, February 3, 2013


It's a little late for New Year's resolutions, but I never publicized them (or even wrote them down), and I know that will help me keep them.  So, here are my current goals/resolutions:

* Get ready every day.  Sounds lame...I know, but when most of the day is spent at home cooking or cleaning there isn't much incentive to get ready.  My exercise clothes are so comfy it's way too easy to stay in them all day.  So my goal is to actually get ready AND get dressed into 'real' clothes every day.  That being said, I know I will fail to do it everyday.  So, I'm giving myself an exception one day a week I get to stay in my exercise clothes if I want. 

*  1 date a week with James.  I heard about Project 52 at Simply Modern Mom and James and I filled out a contract that we would do one date a week.  Our plan in Friday nights after the girls are in bed with a goal of trying to do a babysitting swap or hire a babysitter at least once in a while.  Our rules are: no kids, lost cost, and a date environment (translation = no pjs for me).  We'll take turns each month planning the dates.  We haven't been doing it for long, but so far it has been fun!!

* Weight control.  I don't really care all that much what the scale tells me my weight is- I care more about how I feel and how my clothes fit.  BUT, I want to have tangible evidence that I have succeeded or failed at my goal.  So, my goal is to stay under ___ pounds!  (Hah!  And you thought I was actually going to give you a number).  Really, it is to weigh less than James, but I don't want to put his weight down!  :D

So, this is what I've been working on.  So far, so good!