Monday, April 13, 2009

Blessing Dress

I realize this isn't very exciting for most of you, but I'm pretty happy about it. This is a completed blessing dress.......sewn by me. Yes, it's true. As long as you don't look too close it looks pretty good. :D The only major nuisance was sewing in the sleeves. They are tiny. But, we survived and it's over. Well, almost. I now have to make a slip, but at least the dress is done! Sorry it's a dark picture.


Emily said...

What a beautiful dress!!! How exciting that you get to prepare cute girl things!! We are so excited for you!

Rhonda said...

Oh my goodness!!! I think that is the sweetest blessing gown I have ever seen. Good work! You are amazing!

tumboldinudom said...

this is very beautiful and fit for bupay. miss u . pgal

Natalie said...

Cute, I like the pick ribbon on it-just a touch of color!

Ilene and Zac Thatcher said...

Sweet dress! I just made Anne's first dress and was a little trickier than I thought it would be...but so fun! I think it makes the dress more special.