We had lots of fun catching up with Katha and Ricke. They are sisters and part of a family that James got to know pretty well when he was on his mission. He has visited them almost every year and we spent some time with them when we were in Germany. It has been way to long since we've been over there or seen any of them, so it was lots of fun to see them even if it was only for a short time. It definitely made us want to go back to Germany. It's crazy and kind of sad how fast the time can go.
Hey Brittany- That blessing dress is so beautiful- good work. I just let Aunt Shauna know but I thought I'd let you know too- this weekend, Matt's work (JJ Cole) is having a warehouse sale that a lot of their stuff is at least 50% of retail. I haven't ever gone but I've heard the warehouse sale can be crazy. They are having a friends & family sale on Thursday from 4-5 that should be less crazy. You have to have a ticket to get into the family & friends part and I have 10 so anyways, let me know if your interested.
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