Sunday, June 26, 2011
2 years
Posted by the Flammers at 2:51 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Birthday Girl
I think they look a little better from further away:
She doesn't really care. She got to eat an entire cupcake all by herself. I'm pretty sure she has never had that much sugar in her system.....she was literally bouncing off the walls the rest of the night. I've never seen her so hyper. Needless to say, she only got one leftovers for her. :(
Posted by the Flammers at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 23, 2011
4 months

Posted by the Flammers at 9:21 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Our Girls
This is 'the look' Hannah gets in her eyes when she's about to harm/damage something. Poor Sofia doesn't realize what's coming in this picture:
Hannah has kindly helped Sofia onto her stomach for some tummy time here:
Posted by the Flammers at 4:25 PM 3 comments
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Here's where she ended up.....
She's been pretty close for a while, but she completely rolled over for the first time today. As a side note - I realize I need to start putting bows in her hair more often so she actually looks like a girl....bummer.
Posted by the Flammers at 1:43 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
We've been busy...'s what we've been up to this past week:
At the end of the 1st day I didn't think either of us were going to make was BAD.
...By the end of day 2 things were still pretty bad...
.....but she's now gone several days without an accident. She's woken up from naps and most every night dry. Church on Sunday was the first major outing and we survived. I put her in a pull-up because I didn't want any issues in the nursery, but she was fine. She went to the bathroom a couple of times during church without a problem....
....I don't dare say she's potty trained yet, but pretty darn close. Hurray! No more diapers for her....Sofia on the other hand still does her fair share. :D
Posted by the Flammers at 1:35 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 3, 2011
Tummy Time
Posted by the Flammers at 2:50 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A Beautiful Day
We put Sofia down to bed last night before 9:00 pm. She didn't wake up for a feeding until 3:30 am. She has never ever gone near that long. She went right back to sleep afterwards, and slept in until 5:30. I still can't believe she slept that long. She has never done so well. I actually feel rested!! I'm hoping this becomes routine. :D To top it off, it's now 6:23 and Hannah's still asleep.
Wowzers...what a beautiful day it's going to be!!
Posted by the Flammers at 6:25 AM 1 comments