I can't believe she's already hit the 4 month mark. It is crazy to me how fast the time is flying by. She is a sweet little girl with lots of smiles. She's become proficient at rolling over and back again - diaper changes are getting harder and harder. She's still not sleeping as well as we'd like at night, but you can't have everything right? You'd think the logical nickname for her would be Sophie, but for some reason we never call her that - it's always Sofers. It's bizarre, but it just seems to fit and it has stuck. Hannah now acknowledges her by calling her 'The Baby.' I'm just glad she acknowledges the fact that she exists. :D Sometimes the 2 of them even play together.
4 month stats:
14 lb 6 oz (50th %)
24" (25%)

She's growing up so fast.
Little Sophia will probably almost be walking by the time we get home. Keep posting the pictures!
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